
The first day of the 2024 FIM Commissions Conference started with a Plenary Session for the Superlicence Seminars participants, 350 between Clerk of the Course and Commissions’ Members, the most experienced Officials operating during a sport event.

During the afternoon each Commission has run their specific Seminar focusing on their discipline.

Geographic territories

All FIM Clerk of the Course


5.000 €


Friday 16 February 2024


Action Plan

Activities / Events:

The 4 hours plenary has been an occasion to share the latest technical updates.

The first subject presented by the CTI Commission Director, Roland Berger, and the CTI Expert, Eric Chauvelier, was ‘Update on competitions with electric motorcycles and internal combustion engines’.

Cyrille Bayle, CEB Commission Director, and Eric Chauvelier, CTI Expert, shared their experience with the first ‘E-Bike Senior Technical Steward Seminar’.

Damiano Zamana, Deputy CEO & Operations Director, and Dominique Hebrard, CTI Technical Manager, gave an ‘Update on the Sound Reduction Campaign’.

Followed by Laurent Hachfi, FIM Technical Coordinator FRHP/ Homologations, who presented first ‘Airbag on Competition’ and then ‘FRHP Phase 2 – Helmets’.

The same subjects linked to the security have been touched also by David McManus, CMI Commission Director, in his presentation ‘Developments in Concussion’.


The plenary is a platform to foster a safe environment for learning and knowledge sharing and to update the Officials about the latest projects of the FIM.

Anticipated outcome

The Officials will learn from colleagues from different disciplines, improving their way of working and developing leadership skills.

The Commissions will also have the opportunity to exchange with other Commissions the best practices.