
The last workshop of the Leadership Path, delivered in February 2024 in the framework of the Commissions Conference, was focusing on ‘The Art of Delegating Effectively’.

During the workshop the participants explored the difference between delegating versus empowering. Some exercises helped them to identify the common delegation problems but also possible solutions.

The workshop also focused on Situational Leadership and on the importance of adapting the leadership style to each unique situation or task to meet the needs of the team or team members.

Geographic territories

All General Secretaries of National Federations and Continental Unions


30.000 €


February 2022 to February 2024


HumanForce strategic consulting, training and coaching company, Switzerland

Action Plan

The first workshop, delivered in February 2022 in the framework of the Commissions Conference, was focusing on “Leading through Change”: promote a Growth Mindset, develop Culture for Innovation and Psychological Safety, equipping the participants with the tools to build Motivation in their team.

The second workshop, held in July 2022 in the framework of the FIM Europe Congress in Bucharest, focused on “Building Engagement and Trust”. Facilitated by an external expert in leadership, the workshop contained group and individual exercises and discussions, which allowed over thirty attendees to reflect, exchange and network around some key subjects for a Leader: building trust, connecting the team to the purpose and vision, being an Authentic Leader and the Importance of Praise.

The third workshop that took place in February 2023 during the Commissions Conference in Lille (France) tackled an important leadership subject: “Developing a Caring Environment for Success”.

After looking at how expectations of care and emotional support have changed at work, the moderator guided the group to explore how to demonstrating empathy and become an active listener.

The workshop also explored the coaching skills as well as how to express recognition and appreciation to become an effective leader.


All General Secretaries of National Federations and Continental Unions are invited to attend a two-year learning journey.

The objective of the Leadership Path is to equip them with the skills and toolset required to strive in times of volatility.

Anticipated outcome

With this project the FIM Academy would like to support the development of the FMNs (National Federations) and CONUs (Continental Unions) starting with their leaders.

The workshop also provides a forum for the exchange and sharing of best practices.