The 5 June is World Environmental Day (WED) and the FIM has chosen this global occasion to coincide with the start of the annual FIM Sustainability Week.

An annual event since 1974, each year WED focusses on one major theme and for 2023 it is centred around finding solutions for plastic pollution.

The opening day of FIM Sustainability Week sees history being made with the presentation of the first-ever FIM Sustainability Report, highlighting the steps the FIM has taken toward objectives identified in the 2021 to 2025 ‘The Future in Pole Position’ sustainability strategy.

Over the last three decades the FIM has been working to make motorcycle sport more sustainable and inclusive and this Sustainability Report is a vital tool in assessing its current position and identifying the next steps that need to be taken.

Sustainability is intrinsically linked to the environment and climate change, but the FIM is approaching the subject from a ‘real-world’ perspective and looking at ways its community is affected by these issues to search for solutions.

Among other initiatives highlighted in the Sustainability Report is the work of the FIM International Sustainability Commission (CID) which as part of its remit monitors advances in technology and environmental best management practices. The FIM Academy which supports the provision of education and training opportunities also features, as does the programme to promote sustainable development through motorcycle tourism.

This year marks the first time Japan has joined FIM Sustainability Week and this momentous occasion is highlighted by work supported by the Motorcycle Federation of Japan (MFJ), including the recent Keep it Shiny and Sustainable (KiSS) initiative at the TrialGP of Japan and the Sunset Touring Rally around Mount Fuji.

A charity auction was held along with an on-stage symposium featuring guest panellists Mr Hideki Ishida, Honorary Professor of Tohoku University, Ms Takako Shirai, singer and Environmental Ambassador of Kanagawa and Mr Shinji Kazama, a motorcycle adventurer and representative of Japan Riders Forum.

There was also a stage show with performances from the Zi-Pang Samurai music group, flautist Ms Miyuki Tozuka and yoga instructor Yuco.

Kattia Juárez, CID Director, stated: “It is our third consecutive year dedicating a week to celebrate our achievements in the area of sustainability. In our organisation we are backing sustainability from different points: National Federations, promoters, different departments and more and more they join all the activities that we celebrate from the FIM or from any part of the planet.

“I am delighted to have Japan join in the celebrations with a tourism event that is fully dedicated to the coexistence relationship between motorcyclists and nature. In addition, this first day we will launch our first FIM Sustainability Report. Stay tuned for the following days because more and more activities are coming.”

FIM Sustainability Report 2022 available HERE