Since education and training have been included within the aims of the FIM from 2021, the FIM has focused on increasing its talent pool. Among these the Seminars’ Instructors play even more crucial role to ensure the best preparation of the Stewards and consequently the best organisation of the meetings.
The FIM launched the FIM Instructor Certificate in 2022, a learning path composed by 2 Modules, 1 Inter-Module Workshop and 2 Examination, to equip subject matter experts with the skills and core competencies they need to provide the best learning experience to the participants.
Every year around fifteen Instructors are invited to attend the “Training for the Instructors – Module 1” that represents the first step of this learning journey. The following year, for the Inter-Module Workshop, a webinar is organised to stimulate the sharing within the Instructors’ pool.
The third year the “Training for the Instructors – Module 2” completes the path.
The entire pool of Instructors shall complete the learning path in 2027 and, as of then, the FIM Instructor Certificate will be a mandatory requirement to teach in FIM Seminars.
The FIM Instructor Certificate will have a validity of four years; to maintain the certification it will be mandatory to attend minimum two continuing education courses or workshops proposed by the FIM every four years.
Geographic territories
All Seminars’ Instructors
10.000 € per year
Quentin Rime, Co4mations
John Zimmer
Action Plan
The Module 1 workshops are usually organised after the FIM Commissions Conference.
In February 2022 the first group attended the Module 1 focusing on the basics of training, how to use Zoom, how to organize online Seminars and focusing on the keys of training.
In February 2023 the second group attended a Module 1 on public speaking.
The FIM Instructor Certificate has been launched in 2022 with the intention to strengthen the skills of the instructors in training by using various methods, tools and through sharing and leveraging experiences.
Anticipated outcome
The FIM Instructors’ pool will impart their respective trainings more efficiently and effectively.